The 26th DayzUnderground Territory and POI Map – November 2021
Like a knife cut straight down the middle…
Some of our varied factions and groups that met the faction requirements to be recognized as official DUG factions, claim territories and have built points of interests for other survivors. Every two months, members can claim their territory or POI through the private DUG forum and share it with others if it’s substantiated. Here is the current map that will guide you across the server. You can also find it in the in-game tourist maps and stands.
Compared to the last map, there are minor changes in territory and again we have new (and old) groups appearing on the map. Thank you all for your unique additions to the DUG community!
Featured Groups and Factions
Please keep in mind that all of these territories and groups represent real people, there are no NPCs. You will probably not always find everyone just as you pass by or find that a POI was torn down. These territories often just show you where these groups are based out of or have ties with through their stories and lore. Do not expect to find everyone loitering and waiting for you just as you might happen to pass by.
Many more groups and official factions currently don’t claim territory and while active in-game, are not featured on the map.
Black Sheep – An official faction that helps passerby’s in Guglovo and defends their town against aggressors.
Dark As Midnight – An official faction focused on keeping what’s left of the world in anarchy and doing whatever necessary to protect their haven of Gorka and the surrounding area.
The 506th – An official faction that has created the Western Free State and punishes those who would bring evil to their home.
The Black Cross – Through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, the Black Cross official faction aspire to turn compassion into action and provide care shelter and hope to everyone affected by disaster.
The Dark Carnival – A band of strange and psychotic clowns just trying to get by and have a good time in the end of days. They view order and society as the downfall of man and seek to rewrite the world using fear.
The Commonwealth – Soldiers who are not afraid to act to do the right thing even if it requires a loss of life. They know when to act with force and when to act with compassion and humility. While they are a defense force they also have the willingness and firepower to do what’s required.
People of Tulga – A group of farmers and herbalists who came together to create a space where people can hang out and get the help they need before continuing their journey.
Forsaken Loyalists – The remnants of the old Forsaken Motorcycle Club that evaded slaughter by the Cult of Papa; formed of members who believed in the older codes and ethics within the club. They believe that survival of the group outweighs that of outsiders, but do not believe in senseless slaughter.
The Overlook – They seek to help survivors get off the coast with all their basics needs fulfilled. As such, and regardless of one’s allegiance, they provide one who seeks assistance with food, water and basics so they can be on their way in-land ready, safe and sound.
The Vigil – The values of Vigil surrounds Bor, its people, friends and allies. They are a friendly place for survivors to travel through, like others they ask travelers to keep their guns on their back and keep a friendly mindset around their town. They like to help survivors on their way and are open to trades if your adventures happen to cross theirs.
The Wanderers – Brought together by the feeling of disenchantment regarding the groups they used to call home. Things have changed so much they no longer feel ties and connections to the groups and ideals they once subscribed to, and instead decided to do what they perceive to be best for themselves.

You can also find the map in-game at all tourist trail map stands.
Points of Interest
POIs are player-built locations that offer interesting meetings points or areas that are significant in the stories of people. They can be anything from bases that will be defended to open gathering places and trading posts. Some of those are excellent locations if you’re looking for player interactions! Though keep in mind, everyone is responsible for their own security.
The Aid Station – A large fortification built at the school in Severograd made by the Black Cross faction, this point of interest is a place where people can find medical supplies and other forms of aid passing through the north.
Cannery Row – A group of local businesses working together as friends.
The Compound – Base of operations for the Brothers in Arms who look to protect Chernogorsk and its citizens from evil.
Gorka – The home of Dark as Midnight. Find any map in game and it will tell you all you need to know – STAY OUT!
The Guglovo – A base made by the Black Sheep faction on DUG that acts as a stopping point for people moving across the map looking for food or aid.
J.O.K.E. – Jakbo’s On-site Karaoke and Entertainment. An apocalyptic entertainment complex built by clowns to entertain the masses. To book a show contact the Carnival!
La Cantina – A bar in Stary Sobor where all murder, robbery and torture is encouraged.
The Lollipop Tower – Home of the Carnival and its strange psychotic clowns. They see society, structure, and laws as the downfall of man and try to rewrite the world using fear while having a great time simultaneously. Each clown is their own individual, and all share the appreciation for their personal freedom while having close to no regard for the lives or freedom of others.
The NFA – They’ve taken to calling themselves ‘Advanced Crackheads’ or ‘Evolved Crackheads’, banding together to form roving bands of the unknown and extremely questionable. Found to be holding up inside of the Air Traffic Control Tower at the Northwest Airfield.
Port of Pusta – A free pirate port for all who seek salvation from the law or other folks. It is a dangerous place, all kinds of people pass through the port to drown their sorrows in rum, share stories and seek information on the ongoing stories of the land.
Saint Joseph’s – A church-like refuge made out of a barn in Cernaya Polana. This stopping point in the northeastern part of the map is run by survivors who provide food, supplies, and stories of old to those passing through.
Saint Paddy’s Mission – A church in Zelenogorsk ran by Paddy who hosts services and events for survivors to attend.
Staroye Neutral Zone – A civilian-driven initiative put in place in order to keep the well and town of Staroye a safe haven for survivors to come to.
The Stronghold – Devil’s Castle, the main headquarters of The Sentinels. Considered a symbol of peace and hope.
Tulga – A space where people can hang out and get the help they need before continuing their journey.
The map making process and how to be on it
Every two months, community members come together to create a new territory map that shows the home turfs and points of interests of some of our groups and factions.
The process is quite simple, a thread is posted in our private member forum and any groups or collectives can claim territory or share their points of interest. The map team then votes on those claims based on requirements such as the amount of group members, their in-game and forum activity and what they add to the community and experience of other players.
Do you want to see your group or point of interest featured on the map? Show something unique, get involved with other players and join the community if you haven’t yet! Introduce your group through the forum and then later claim your territory in the next iteration.
We want to again thank everyone involved in this community created map, integritytwitch for creating this generation, Rufus who helped write group descriptions as well as all players who are represented on it and add more unique aspects to DUG!